Bartle Hall Bird Management
Only two BirdBuffers have been protecting this roof since 2008 saving tens of thousands of dollars! Try gaining bird control on this size of building with anything else but BirdBuffers®?! Only BirdBuffer can “keep the birds away” safely over large areas like this. And with only two machines, BirdBuffer has been keeping birds away since 2008! Bartle Hall […]
BirdBuffer® Keeps Lear Jets Clean
Cleaning Lear Jets from bird droppings and keeping them clean was a challenge for ALOFT AeroArchitects, formerly PATS Aircraft Systems, in Delaware. The birds basically made the hangar their home. After trying several remedies, they found the BirdBuffer. With one Bird Buffer, ALOFT AeroArchitect’s was able to obtain the perfect solution for their problem.“We would […]
Where did the BirdBuffer® Go?
Need tips on installing your new pest/bird control system by BirdBuffer? At BirdBuffer, we’re happy to help, so contact us today! You’ll find that hiding a BirdBuffer Q4 can be easy. Using the wind in this location, the BirdBuffer is on the roof on the left and the wind is going from the left to […]
Restaurants with Pesky Bird Problems Find a Remedy
The above photo now shows pretty colors where birds were creating a health hazard and white disease infested mess with their bird droppings. After 1-3 months into the program, the active birds left the area (and took their mess with them). Some birds can withstand discomfort on a temporary basis but as vapor-time goes on, […]
Independent Lab Certifies Food Safety With BirdBuffer®
We are happy to report that after having the BirdBuffer® System operational for several months, we have eliminated the roosting 100% and have gotten rid of the last 10% of birds. We passed our Food Safety Inspection. The Primus Lab inspector reported, “All areas of the facility are protected from the presence of birds with a […]