The BirdBuffer


With over a decade of proven success and countless satisfied customers, we understand that you might still wonder: “Will BirdBuffer® work at my location?” Given past disappointments most of our customers have had with other bird deterrence solutions, this question is understandable. At BirdBuffer, we’re committed to delivering real and measurable results for our customers.

To reinforce our dedication, we offer customer testimonials and references on request and stand firmly behind the following:

is to simultaneously:

Eliminate the human health and safety risks posed by birds and their droppings

Safeguard high value infrastructure from the damage that birds and associated wildlife can cause

AND Protect birds, and the environment, from harm.

is to simultaneously:

Eliminate the human health and safety risks posed by birds and their droppings

Safeguard high value infrastructure from the damage that birds and associated wildlife can cause

AND Protect birds, and the environment, from harm.

The BirdBuffer


With over a decade of proven success and countless satisfied customers, we understand that you might still wonder: “Will BirdBuffer® work at my location?” Given past disappointments most of our customers have had with other bird deterrence solutions, this question is understandable. At BirdBuffer, we’re committed to delivering real and measurable results for our customers.

To reinforce our dedication, we offer customer testimonials and references on request and stand firmly behind the following:

promise 1

Through our Warranty, we guarantee that our equipment will be free of defects caused by poor workmanship or defective materials.

promise 2

We guarantee that the bird repellent fluids we sell with our machines will be properly formulated using the active ingredient, Methyl Anthranilate. Backed by over 70 years of real-world use and extensive academic research, this active ingredient is proven effective for deterring all avian species.

promise 3

We commit that our BirdBuffer® pest bird control solution will reduce bird activity by at least 80% within our dry vapor coverage area.

Simply put, where the vapor is, the birds are not.

promise 4

With proper site preparation¹, installation² and maintenance³, we commit to “80% or higher reduction in bird activity within the first 90 days.”

At BirdBuffer®, we are committed to solving your pest bird challenges in the simplest and most cost-effective way possible. Following our proven recipe consistently yields successful results across a wide range of environments and applications.

Collaborating⁴ with you and your team, we will do what it takes to make your install a success. If we fall short despite our collaboration together, BirdBuffer® will make it right, including an option to return the equipment for a refund.⁵

¹Customers or their designees are responsible for site preparation following our best practice guidelines based on our years of experience. Site cleaning, nest removal and food source elimination are important for achieving maximum impact on bird activity. To achieve optimal results, it only makes sense to prepare the area to be less attractive to the birds. ²BirdBuffer® systems must be properly installed and powered by the customer or their designee according to the provided rendering. Proper mounting, orientation of the exhaust port and timer configurations all play a crucial role in ensuring that the dry vapor consistently reaches the targeted treatment area(s). ³BirdBuffer® systems require periodic maintenance by the customer or their designee. In order to work, the BirdBuffer® machines must have the fluid refilled and the filters replaced, typically once every month. ⁴Updates to BirdBuffer® are requested bi-weekly (every other week) during the first 90 days to ensure that the system is operating properly and no unanticipated challenges arise. If issues are identified, BirdBuffer® will work closely with the customer to adjust the installation in order to address the issues and achieve the “80% or higher reduction in bird activity within 90 days.” ⁵Equipment refunds must be requested between 90 and 120 days of installation and are contingent on customer’s good faith effort to work with BirdBuffer® to achieve a successful install.